Additional Continuing Education Information

The approving agencies list the duration as follows: 3 clock hours- NBCC, 3 CE- Maryland BSWE, and 3 continuing education clock hours. CentrePointe is authorized by the Board of Social Work Examiners in Maryland to sponsor social work continuing education programs and maintains full responsibility for the programs and their content. These trainings qualify for Category I continuing education units. The D.C. and Virginia Boards of Social Work typically recognize the Maryland Board of Social Work Examiners’ approval. Please contact your state boards for verification.

CentrePointe Counseling, Inc., Provider #1586, is approved as a provider for social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB),, through the Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. CentrePointe Counseling, Inc. maintains responsibility for the program. ASWB Approval Period: 02/28/2025 – 02/28/2028. Social workers should contact their regulatory board to determine course approval. Social workers participating in this course will receive 3 (type) continuing education clock hours.

CentrePointe Counseling, Inc. has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6569. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. CentrePointe Counseling, Inc. is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

To receive a certificate, registrants must attend the entire session. Course completion requirements include participating in the full session and completing the CE evaluation. Participants must sign in at the start and sign out at the completion of the training to obtain a certificate. Certificates will be awarded at the close of the event. Individuals requesting disability accommodations should contact Matt Raeder, MSW, LCSW-C, at 800-491-5369 ext. 114, one week prior to the training date.

By registering for a CentrePointe CE event, you grant permission to CentrePointe Counseling, Inc. to use and retain the right to use any photos, videos, and statements by, about, or of me captured during this CE training in any media, advertising, publicity, commercial, social media posting, or other business purposes conducted by CentrePointe. You agree to allow use of any images or declarations and waive all right to compensation or ownership of the materials.

CentrePointe is required to have written, published policies and procedures for complaint and grievance management. This information is provided in full on our website (below) and in summary format on attendance certificates and promotional materials.

Grievance Procedure:

  1.  The complaint or grievance must be submitted in writing by participant, noting the full name and contact information for the participant to ensure proper follow-up. This letter will be reviewed by CentrePointe’s social worker consultant/Executive Director.
  2.  If needed, the issue will be discussed with other leadership team members of the CentrePointe staff.
  3. The participant will have the opportunity to support his/her allegations by arguments however brief and, if need be, by related supporting evidence.
  4. The response decision is made by the Executive Director in consultation with the leadership team members. The decision takes into account various perspectives on the situation and relevant facts.
  5.  Information is shared from the findings with the CentrePointe leadership team to be utilized for improving future courses.
  6.  CentrePointe will respond to the participant in writing regarding the outcome of the response decision.